192 Clover Blend
5lb bag (plants 1/2 acre)
192 Clover Blend can be planted either in early spring or early to mid-August. August planted clover can establish its roots better & will be a lush plot come spring. Also, it is excellent for frost seeding into existing clover stands. This blend is a mix of 4 different clovers to add diversity to a food plot program. Frequent mowing will help to make clover plots more tender and will fight off weed pressure
Blend Contains:
- White Ladino Clover
- White Dutch Clover
- White Clover
- Alsike Clover
Planting Time: Early Spring or Early to Mid August
Life Cycle: Perenial (no annual clovers in this mix)
Planting Rate: Broadcast 10 lbs per acre, frost seed at 5 lb per acre
Planting Depth: 1/4"