King Mineral - Apple Mix
25lb bag
King Mineral is designed for everything whitetail deer need and crave. This well balanced mineral helps to promote larger antler growth & better overall herd health. This product contains humic acid, yeast, vitamins and minerals. See pictures for gauranteed analysis.
Directions Of Use: Rake away leaves and debris in a 4ft x 4ft area. Pour 25lbs of the mineral/vitamin mix directly onto the ground, and rake into the soil. Also can be poured on a stump or log. Refresh site with 5 - 10lbs every 30 days. Create 1 site at least every 40 acres. Use to establish movement patterns, take herd inventory with trail cameras, grow bigger bucks, and create a healthier deer herd. Use year round for best results.
Caution: Intended for whitetail deer only. Product contains copper, do not feed to sheep. Consult federal, state, and local baiting regulations before use.