Wilder Game Food (WGF) Grain Sorghum
50lb bags
WGF Grain Sorghum is an early maturing (46-50 day to midbloom) heavy grain producer. Also known as Milo. Average plant height of 38 to 42 inches. Unlike conventional grain hybrids, WGF grain sorghum imparts a bitter taste to predatory birds (Sparrows, Blackbirds, Starling, etc.) during milk and dough stages of grain development. This bitter taste disappears with the maturity of the plant and grain, thus becoming palatable to wild game birds during the fall and winter months. This grain sorghum is a great food plot choice for whitetails as well, especially if there isn't any grown in the area.
Planting Rate: Broadcast at 10 - 12lb per acre , Drilled at 7 - 10 lbs per acre
Planting Depth: 1/2" - 1"